In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to stay in your joy when “shift happens”. With everything that is happening in the world right now, how do we stay in a high vibrational point of attraction? If you are going through “shift” in your life right now, join in! Because this episode is for you.

What you will learn in this episode:

How to stay in your joy The importance of finding and recognizing the gift in the “shift” Finding the next best feeling for you right now?   How to shift your energy when “shift happens” Quick and easy ways to shift and transform when “shift” is happening to stay in your joy

A sneak peek at the episode:
[05:07] “What is that next emotion that I am willing to move up to?”
[09:53] “Asking - What would be the gift?”... “What is that next rung that I could reach for? ”
[10:29] “Those are some of the really quick and easy ways. If you're wanting to shift and transform when “shift” is happening in order to stay in your joy.”

If you are looking for a community, a group of women spiritual entrepreneurs that are living and enjoying using spiritual tools to build their businesses, to help serve humanity, with “all the woo, and business too” ----> we are going to be launching the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground in September and I would LOVE to have you join us. If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open.

To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, Follow me on Instagram @deviadea.