(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Paula Brown about “Sketch Questing”. Paula Brown is a Heartist, she gets folks UNSTUCK: from invisible to seen. An intuitive quick sketch artist/purpose coach. Leaders hire her to literally and figuratively draw out their authentic story, the true heartbeat of their purpose and vision. Paula’s heart questing was born from her heart stopping. Her unique life stories and after death experience lit her purpose quest skills, and forged her belief that the masterpiece of your story is your heart, your purpose. Emerging from Brand Creative Director for international clients, Paula marries both intuition and strategic process for influencers to discover, and communicate their “what” with her Sketch Questing and purpose coaching. She takes her clients into focused clarity…out of the frustration of knowing their vision and not being able to communicate it.

Devi and Paula discuss:

• Paula’s powerful life purpose and sketch questing journey
• Doing everything from “heart to heart”
• All about being safe
• Finding your heart’s purpose
• The true values of “essences” in your businesses
• Working by your purpose
• Igniting your heart by telling yourself what to do
• “Sketch Questing” and it’s benefits for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
• Communicating through pictures and sketches
• Her sketch quest samples
• Developing your purpose
• How to use Sketch Questing in your business
• “Coaching defined purpose” as part of Sketch Questing
• Calming your “egos”
• Sketch questing to finding and activating your path
• Heart as a masterpiece of your story
• Allowing your true voice to speak through
• Expecting the best in your life journey
• Trusting yourself in your own “quest” journey

and more…

Connect with Paula on her website @ [email protected]