(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Kim Julen about "Feng Shui to Attract Abundance”. Kim Julen founder of Finding Your Fiji, is a Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) expert and psychic. Her Feng Shui expertise, intuitive skills, personal development and business knowledge create a unique approach to resolving your business and life issues. Kim graduated with a business degree from the University of St. Thomas and is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, International Feng Shui Guild Red Ribbon Practitioner and Mentor and Certified Angel Card Reader.

In 2017 Kim moved from Minnesota to Maui, sight unseen, to make her dream life a reality. Through her private coaching, Feng Shui consultations and Angel Readings, Kim brings awareness to those things that are keeping you stuck and helps bring Harmony to your Head, your Heart and your Home. She is passionate about creating a life and business filled with ease, daily magic and joy and guiding you in “Finding Your Fiji”, whatever that may be for you!

Devi and Kim discuss:

• Kim lifelong journey into Feng Shui
• The definition of Feng Shui
• Feng Shui as an energetic space
• Bringing the elements of nature into our spaces
• Feeling good about your space
• The three key areas that impact wealth
• The role of front doors in your space for impacting wealth
• The “Bagua” or the mental map of your space
• Objects that take the energetic heat for us
• The “Poison Arrows” in your space
• Using “Cures” or adjustments to shift the energy
• The difference it makes when painting your front doors with favorite colors different from your home
• The effect of writing on your intentions on the wall or front door before painting
• Intention as one of the biggest keys of Feng Shui
• The specific actions that bring in more flow of abundance to your life
• Tips for front door spaces to welcome more abundance and wealth
• Creating a gateway through the front doors
• Creating an energetic support in the back of your space
• Bells on the doors for ringing and calling energy
• Paying attention to the events in your space or your life
• Bathrooms as the biggest drain in your wealth
• Mirrors for raising the energy in your space
• Tips for bringing in prosperity in your home office space
• Shifting your office facing the door
• Paying attention to how you feel in your space
• Letting go of the things that don’t get you up

Connect with Kim on her website @ findingyourfiji.com

On Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/findingyourfiji

On YouTube @ Kim Julen

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