NICK PACHECO - Independent Benefit Solutions

Nick brings his advanced knowledge of how true wealth works to our #SauceBoss fans and gives us a glimpse on how to create your own financial success with InsureMeNowDirect.  Nick Pacheco, CLTC is a Financial Services Representative with over eighteen years of experience in the financial services and insurance industry. He began serving his clients out of a sincere desire to help individuals and families plan for and attain their financial goals. Focussing his practice on efficient retirement income and legacy planning, with an emphasis on building and using tax-free wealth. Fully licensed in seven states and currently running his agency, Independent Benefit Solutions, LLC out of North Providence, Rhode Island.

"I enjoy coaching individuals on how wealth really works by challenging traditional wealth accumulation and wealth distribution models, because what we were taught about how wealth works simply isn’t true." - Nicholas H. Pacheco, CLTC

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