Hello Language Lovers! Today we are speaking with Maggie, a content creator based in Toronto about her languages of Haitian Creole and Jamaican Patois

Maggie is a perfect person to have this conversation with as she is so well versed on creole languages spoken not just in the Caribbean but all over the world. In this episode we talk about

How Jamaican stands out in the Caribbean through culture and language

The way language is spoken differently in different parts of Jamaica

Growing up in a Haitian Creole speaking household and experiencing different languages spoken daily

French based creoles around the world and what they have in common

Caribbean culture and its influence in Toronto

Big thank you to Maggie for sharing your language, your culture and your adventures with us all! If you enjoy this episode of Speaking Tongues, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the Speaking Tongues Podcast on Apple Podcasts and like and subscribe on YouTube so that other language lovers like ourselves can find the show! If you’ve been a long time listener of the show or a recent listener, you can now pledge ongoing support for the show on Buy Me a Coffee dot com or on Patreon dot com. Special shout out to Speaking Tongues’ recent supporters and Patrons Heidi L., Pat N. and John L.  And as you know, I wrote a book! My food ‘zine of international language and cuisine, Taste Buds Vol 1. is available now for purchase! Check social media for the sneak peek inside of the book and make sure you purchase for yourself and your friends! Links to all platforms are below! 

To Find Maggie:

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/c/CharisMaggieTV



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