Hello language Lovers! Thank you for joining me for this episode of Speaking Tongues- the podcast in conversation with multilinguals. This week, we’re speaking about Missouri French with Louranse Deveraux, the founder of NorthAmericanFrench.com

In this conversation, Louranse is telling us about his exposure to Missouri French through family heritage. We learn about dialectical changes in Missouri French and relationships to other North American French dialects including Kouri Vini, Haitian Creole and New Orleans Creole.  He tells us about the places where French was historically spoken in the Midwest and where we see vestiges of the language in the area today. We also talk about foods that are part of the culture including the paw paw fruit and where possum is likely to end up on your dinner table. Louranse also tells us about the connection to Missouri French through Wolof and how storytelling and folk characters in the Missouri French culture retain a link to this Senegalese language.

Big thank you to Louranse for sharing your knowledge about the language and history of Missouri French with all of us. If you enjoy episodes of Speaking Tongues, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the Speaking Tongues Podcast on Apple Podcasts and like and subscribe on YouTube so that other language lovers like ourselves can find the show! If you’ve been a long time listener of the show or a recent listener, you can now pledge ongoing support for the show on Buy Me a Coffee dot com or on Patreon dot com. And as you know, I wrote a book! My food ‘zine of international language and cuisine, Taste Buds Vol 1. is available now for purchase! Check social media for the sneak peek inside of the book and make sure you purchase for yourself and your friends! Links to all platforms are in the show notes!

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