Hello Language Lovers,

Today I have the honor of talking about Argentine Spanish with one of my long time very best friends. We often discuss the intricacies of Spanish and English with one another and she may not know this but she was one of the few people who inspired me to begin this podcast journey. Our casual conversations inspired me to want to have casual conversations with people from all linguistic backgrounds! I couldn't very well keep all of our thoughts and theories to myself! I had to share them with you all.

In this episode we talk about the rioplatense accent, bilingual education and the all popular Argentine slang including some of its origins. I'm very grateful to Maria for making the time to record this episode with me long distance and that she was able to share parts of her culture with our audience! 

P.S. Any subtle meowing you hear in the background is Maria's cat Juana (mi Juanita!). She's the best cat and you can see a photo of her on Instagram @speakingtonguespod

Find Speaking Tongues on Instagram:@speakingtonguespod