'I just got back from a trip to Cuba!' There has to be a few stories there, for sure!  Unfortunately sometimes stories get lost. Either we aren't sure how to tell them, we're not confident or we simply don't think people care. Truth is stories matter...A LOT!  In this five part series we're covering off some ideas for how to share those stories. Last time we identified how geography can have deep meaning, but to have impact we need to paint the picture with clear brush strokes to set the scene.  Some key key take aways were:

#1 Describe in detail (colour, texture, touch, smell)
#2 Where is it (be specific, name a place)
#3 Who's with you (give them a name, make them part of the story)

In today's episode we continue the Cuban journey. Many people who visit this particular locale, belly ache about the food. Sometimes though the food gets rave reviews. There are many contributing factors, so today we dive into how to bring life and flavour to the story about food in general in your stories. Food can tell many stories, about wealth, culture, and yes, geography too. Oh, and, for the record, it doesn't always have to be about a specific flavour or appeal. Food can play a descriptive role in the story's narrative.  
Here are todays pro-tips:

#1 Draw a parallel/comparison to make it relatable 
#2 Look for humour (my partner who hates seafood was horrified as my shrimp looked at him the entire meal!) 
#3 Go for 'shock factor' but keep it positive (terrified of bees, I stuck my hand right in the hive...and, as the local farmer had said, not one sting.)

Check out the episode to hear how it all comes together!

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