What are your core beliefs about food? About your body? About health? 

Are your core beliefs getting in the way of healing your relationship with food? How are your core beliefs driving your decisions about what, when, and how much you eat? 

Dr. Lara Zibarras joins me in this episode to discuss core beliefs. She breaks down common core beliefs that her clients tend to hold on to and how we can shift our thinking in order to move forward with recovery from diet culture.  

It's difficult to heal from an unhealthy relationship with food when you are struggling to change what you believe about food and your body. First, we need to work on dismantling myths, breaking down unrealistic food rules, and challenging diet mentality. Then we can move forward with the actual steps toward healing.  

Where to find Dr. Lara Zibarras: 

Food Freedom Masterclass - to eat what you want, when you want, without stress, guilt, or shame.




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Are you looking for some simple advice to get started with healing your relationship with food? 

Grab my free workbook: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!


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