In today's episode, I'm speaking with Nicola Salmon, a UK-based fat positive fertility coach and trained acupuncturist. We're diving into wanting to get pregnant in a fat body, the diet culture that is wrapped up in the process, and how to use the research to get more weight-inclusive fertility care. 

Nicola first walks us through her own story of being diagnosed with PCOS, living in a larger body, and being told pregnancy will never happen for her.  When she did end up getting pregnant, it caused her to take a closer look at how fat women who hope to become pregnant are being treated in the fertility world. 

Diet culture is rampant when it comes to pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant while living in a fat body, the first line of treatment tends to be "lose weight". This can cause women more stress plus lost time as they struggle with dieting (that doesn't work) and weight loss.

Nicola explains how weight loss DOES NOT need to be the focus to increase health and thus increase chances of becoming pregnant.  Listen today and shoot me a DM to let me know what you think of the episode!! You can find me at @AlisonBarkmanRD.

Mentioned on this show:

Nicola's website with info on her coaching programs and to download her fat positive fertility resources

Nicola on Instagram

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Need more resources to help with chronic dieting and disordered eating? 

Grab my free workbook: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!


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