Are you a type 1 diabetic balancing between managing your diabetes but also feeling food-deprived? Has your diabetes caused you to restrict foods that you eventually sneak or binge eat? Are you a parent of a type 1 diabetic and don't want your child to feel left out and deprived? 

I had a chat with Danielle Bublitz, a registered dietitian who works with type 1 diabetics and uses a non-diet, intuitive eating approach. She can help answer many of your questions around how to listen to your body's food needs and wants while managing your blood sugar. We talk about: 

Danielle's personal story being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a young age.  What led her to take an intuitive eating approach in her nutrition work with type 1 diabetics. How patients come to her wanting to be healthy, which in their eyes meant being a certain weight and eating perfectly. How many of her patients are getting a lot of “NO” in response to foods they can eat and are led to believe they have to cut foods out.  Factors other than food including stress, hormones, and lack of sleep can all trigger fluctuations in blood sugar. Learning about nutrition so that you can actually enjoy carbs while regulating your blood sugar.  How kids with type 1 diabetes begin to feel left out because of foods they are told they can’t have, which ultimately can lead to sneak-eating and binges.  Eating disorders such as diabulimia and disordered eating behaviors among type 1 diabetics, how they begin, and how she works with clients on these behaviors.  Her own bout of ketoacidosis once landed her in the ICU and people complimented her on the way she looked after leaving the hospital.  How intuitive eating can help with blood sugar management.

If you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, or if you're a parent of a type 1 diabetic, you definitely want to listen to my chat with Danielle!

Mentioned in this show: 

Danielle on Instagram

Food Psych: Diabetes Diet Culture and Intuitive Eating for Blood Sugar Stability with Lauren Newman

Study: Intuitive eating and glycemic control in type 1 diabetes   Study: Intuitive eating practices among African American women with type 2 diabetes


Do you need help trying to break free from rigid food tracking or other forms of disordered eating??

 I suffered from disordered eating for over two decades of my life. When I was finally ready to admit that my disorder was a major roadblock for me to move forward with so many other things in life, I slowly started to reject food rules, stop weighing myself, looked at exercise differently, and had more compassion for my natural body shape and size. 

As a registered dietitian, I take women through this process of food and body healing. 

Contact me to learn more about my 1:1, private online intuitive eating coaching services. 

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me so I can find out what you're struggling with and you can determine if my program is a good fit for you!

Need MORE help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!! 

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