It's mid-January and many of us may be struggling to stick with the stringent food rules and diet plans we vowed to start in the new year. 😫🍪😫

💥Welcome to season 2 of Speaking of Hungry!! On this episode, I give some tips on how we can stay focused with non-diet behaviors that can make us feel better. Feeling better does not have to come from a restrictive diet. As a matter of fact, diets can end up backfiring on us and make us feel worse about ourselves in the long run.

During the holidays, most of us feel out of sorts with our schedules, eating, exercise routines, and many other aspects of our life.  It’s a long stretch that starts around Thanksgiving and kicks into high gear throughout the entire month of December. There are holiday parties, the stress of buying gifts, decorating, hosting visitors, eating foods we don't normally eat, and maybe getting less quality sleep or less sleep overall. 

Don't get me wrong, these are all fun things (except poor sleep!) but it can get overwhelming and leave you feeling fatigued, stressed, bloated, and not as energized.  For many of us our reaction is to jump to some insane, intensely restrictive plan in order to undo the months of November and December. It’s going from 0 to 100. It’s that all-or-nothing mentality.

Listen to this episode if you need help refocusing and staying on an intuitive eating path.

Here are some anti-diet podcasts I mentioned in this episode or didn't mention but highly recommend:

Food Psych

Dietitians Unplugged

Body Kindness

Full Bloom Project - focused on intuitive eating and body positivity for children. I interviewed Leslie Bloch and Zoe Bisbing of the Full Bloom Project on the Speaking of Hungry podcast, Episode 20: Eating Disorder Prevention and Body Positive Parenting.

Here is a list of anti-diet, intuitive eating Instagram accounts I recommend (in no particular order): 

@emilyfonnesbeck_rd @DrColleenReichmann @thefuckitdiet @Mollybcounseling - interview on this podcast, Episode 25 @Michellevinabaltsas_coach - interviewed on this podcast, Episode 23 @Itsjennaj - interviewed on this podcast, Episode 11 @Chr1styharrison  @nutritionalblonde @Gaudianiclinic @Ericaleonnutrition - interviewed on this podcast, Episode 19 @Jennahollenstein @Rebeccascritchfield @aaronfloresrdn @evelyntribole @elyseresch


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Send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook (@AlisonBarkmanRD) with your comments or a question you'd like answered on the show!


Need help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

I am currently booking clients for my 1-on-1 online intuitive eating program!

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me to learn about my intuitive eating services and decide if we're a good fit to work together on your anti-diet journey!