This week on the Speaking of Hungry podcast I speak with Michelle Vino-Baltsas, a Certified Intuitive Eating and Body Confidence Coach, who's been coaching women internationally for over six years. She specializes in helping women deal with body changes in midlife.  It’s hard enough for us to feel good about our bodies when we’re up against diet culture and unrealistic thin ideals. Michelle recognizes that when you throw in the natural process of aging, pre-menopause, and menopause, the struggle deepens. 

In this episode, we talk about Michelle’s relationship with food and how it’s changed as she’s grown personally and professionally.  We discuss: 

Embracing the fact that we age.  Dealing with body changes that women face through aging.  Coping with weight gain that may occur once we give up dieting without going on another diet or “lifestyle change”. Dieting causes weight gain in the long run by messing with metabolism and throwing us into a restrict-binge cycle.  Helpful tips on handling the holidays that have nothing to do with keeping your weight down or restricting delicious holiday foods. 

Michelle is passionate about supporting women who wish to feel good in their bodies and practice more health-promoting behaviors without dieting or restrictive eating. Since midlife is such a major life transition for women, she helps them to navigate this phase with more ease and confidence so they can renew their purpose and identity apart from their changing bodies. Michelle lives in upstate NY with her family and she provides virtual coaching, online learning, and group coaching. 

Mentioned in this episode: 

Michelle’s website

Michelle on Instagram

Michelle on Facebook

No-Diet Sisterhood Facebook Group

Contact Michelle: [email protected]

Intuitive Eating Workbook

Daily Om - Emotional Freedom From Food course

Megrette Fletcher - nonjudgemental weight-neutral approach to diabetes education

Health at Every Size (HAES)

Linda Bacon, PhD

Alison Barkman's scholarship opportunity


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Need help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

I am currently booking clients for my 1-on-1 online intuitive eating program!

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me to learn about my intuitive eating services and decide if we're a good fit to work together on your anti-diet journey!

ALSO, for the month of December, you have the opportunity to apply for my intuitive eating scholarship program! I’m giving away to one lucky winner a chance to work on your chronic dieting and disordered eating with me in my 8-week program FOR FREE.

Click here for details and to apply to win!

If you have a question you'd like answered on the show or are interested in being interviewed on the show please CONTACT ME!! I'd love to hear from you.