On this week's episode of the Speaking of Hungry podcast I'm speaking with Erica Leon, MS, RD, CEDRD. Erica is the owner of Erica Leon Nutrition, an outpatient group nutrition practice in White Plains, NY. With more than 30 years of experience, she and her team help individuals develop a positive relationship with food and work tirelessly to treat and prevent eating disorders and disordered eating in adults, adolescents, children, and families.

Erica and I talk about weight stigma and healing from disordered eating.  We recognize how our bodies change constantly throughout our lives and that embracing these changes can be difficult in our diet-crazed world.  Erica tells me how she works with her clients to embrace the change vs. try and control the changes our bodies are naturally going through.  We discuss how diets are damaging and recognize that the medical world focuses on weight loss as an indicator of health.  In reality, focusing on the scale sets us up for failure. We should put our focus and drive into behavior change. 

I had such a great time speaking with Erica who has worked in this field for over 30 years! She has a wealth of experience and so much wisdom to share in the world of eating disorders and disordered eating. You don't want to miss listening to what Erica has to say!

Erica’s practice offers a wide variety of services including individual and group counseling sessions, cooking programs, in-person and online intuitive eating and nutrition workshops. Her current online intuitive eating program is called Intuitive Eating Essentials. She is also offering Embrace: a live Online Intuitive Eating and Body Image Support Group for Middle-Aged Women. Sign up: http://ericaleon.com/embrace

Where to find Erica:





Mentioned in this episode: 

Erica's blog post What is Weight Stigma and Why is it Important?

and A Story about the Fear of Fat for One Family

Speaking of Hungry episode 14: Diet App Does More Harm Than Good


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Need help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

I am currently booking clients for my 1-on-1 online intuitive eating program!

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me to learn about my intuitive eating services and decide if we're a good fit to work together on your anti-diet journey!

If you have a question you'd like answered on the show or are interested in being interviewed on the show please CONTACT ME!! I'd love to hear from you. 


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