Hope is very much needed in today’s troubling world. Sometimes we need to listen with our hearts to the voices telling us that tomorrow is another day, and that we need to keep our self-belief, even in our darkest moments.

One of those voices belongs to Brenda Dempsey, a self-described Action Woman, Life-Changer and Thrivor, who, since an early age, has been doing her part to raise the spirits of the world, either by charitable work, or by setting an example as a resilient, spirited human being.

Brenda joins Paul today to discuss the purpose of hope for the world today, and her newest work, ‘Voices Of Hope’, a collection of empowering writing by women from around the world.


From a young age (10) Brenda took action for starving children in Biafra raising money and vowing she'd one day visit Africa and build a school.  As a Thrivor, her strength, self-belief and resilience were her armour when she found herself homeless with four children after her abusive marriage came to an abrupt end.

Brenda's grit, determination and vision of a better life for herself and family were the staying power she needed to complete her B.Ed (Hons) degree during this arduous time to fulfil her childhood dream of becoming a teacher.  Transitioning is something Brenda embraces as it opens new opportunities, challenges and adventures revealing spirited leadership qualities of courage, resilience and vision.

After 25 years she let her beloved teaching to take up the challenge of changing lives and building a Revolution of 10 MILLION Spirited Leaders who are raising their Voices of Change, through writing, speaking and business.  This creates a ripple effect, impacting change and extraordinary results for themselves, others and the world through imagination, innovation and influence.  Brenda is the founder of The VOW – The Voices of Women.

Brenda can be contacted via…




Paul Lowe is the founder of PaulLoweHEARTS and makes a difference by helping you make a difference. He is totally committed to his HEARTS-centred approach of…

Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success

Paul has a long and distinguished history of coaching & mentoring - particularly focusing on helping you clarify your true life’s purpose. He has also been responsible for raising significant funds for a multitude of good causes; positively inspiring many, many children – from challenging backgrounds – within the UK and globally.

Paul and his empathic team embrace a three-fold purpose:

Firstly, to help you find your purpose; secondly, to get your inspirational messages & stories out into the world; whilst thirdly, to support charitable organisations in their development & fund-raising – to make a global difference.

We achieve this by:

Delivering our empowering HEARTS-centred programmes
Sharing your true-life inspirational messages and stories through our Speaking From Our HEARTS book series & podcast
Utilising our truly authentic charitable commitment, empathy & HEARTS


Mob: +44 (0) 7958 042 155
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulLoweHEARTS
Web: https://www.speakingfromourhearts.org
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/speakingfromourhearts1/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/343409936534175/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmznF8VCcZKEdSfE7VlwUA 

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