Paul is joined by Vishakha Agnihotri with no particular topic for the conversation, which naturally evolves into a discussion about spirituality, happiness and how to live life in a way that contributes to goodness.


As humans we have to power to transform our destiny and our situation, but at the same time there has to be a balance, we have to surrender to the universe also, because we can only decide what is right for us based on our experience, wisdom and knowledge. How do we know that our wisdom is telling us to make the right decision?

When we talk about certainty we’re going against nature because life is uncertain and the only certainty we have that we know as humans is death. Why not contribute to others’ lives meaningfully?

It’s OK to feel low and unhappy sometimes. Our feelings are valid, accept that you are fearful or uncomfortable and remind yourself of your mission, pray to manifest your wisdom. Naturally that fear will go and we will accept and have peace with change.

The idea that more money will bring people more validation comes from insecurity. Happiness is not dependent on others, it comes from within and we share it with others. People who think money and materialism will bring them happiness need to heal.


‘When one person gets awakened to their spirituality, it’s that person’s responsibility to awaken everyone else in their surroundings.’

‘Life is simple and we humans complicate it because we want something we can’t get.’

‘We don’t like and try to resist change. It makes us feel uncomfortable and anxious.’

‘If somebody is troubling us it’s only because that person is unhappy.’


Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (UK):

Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (USA):

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (UK):

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (USA):

Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)

World Game-Changers Group


Vishakha Agnihotri is a Documentation Consultant for the Mamta Health Institute for Mother and Child in Jaipur, India and is also Assistant Editor in Chief of The Rural Post, an initiative by a group of rural management enthusiasts, alumni of the prestigious Institute of Rural Management Anand-IRMA, which aims to revive rural journalism and ignite discourse focusing on the rural population. The platform engages in incisive policy analysis and discussion of various sectors affecting the lives and livelihood of the Rural India. She is passionate about bridging the gap between Journalism and Development.

[email protected]


Paul has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in dark, desperate despair; to now living a really healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

From an early age, he was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate and destructive violence.

Along with his empathetic and dedicated team of world-class coaches and mentors, Paul’s purpose is deeply transformational:

Developing World Game-Changers…

He is extremely passionate about helping others to find their purpose, have a voice and ultimately, make a real difference.  

This has been built on a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching and mentoring.  He has also been responsible for raising significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – within the UK & worldwide.

Through this World Game-Changers podcast and books, he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.


Tel: +44 (0) 7958 042 155

E-mail: [email protected]



