Paul is joined by Lisa Jayne, an Australian educator, mentor, speaker and writer, to talk about parenting in the 21st century and the emotional ties between children and their parents - especially their mothers.


I see the way social media impacts on my own daughter and hear from other parents who say the same thin of their own children. My book aims to help parents bringing up children and teenagers in the age of social media.
What we consider normal nowadays is not natural, I believe. It doesn’t often create the unity and harmony that a natural relationship can which builds a deep love and connection. There’s an ease to natural relationships.
When we’re presented with a feeling that’s uncomfortable, we take it straight into our head to try to fix it, analyse it, try to work it out and solve it, get rid of it, deny it, whatever. So, our feelings don’t have a chance to be allowed, to be felt and worked with. This separates ourselves from the feeling world and creates a separation in the way we deal with our feelings, this manifests in feelings of fear, not being good enough, etc.
Many people have the understanding or have the knowledge of what they should do in their lives to have better relationships. One of them is to hold on to a childlike curiosity. But when you’re in a situation that activates your emotional self, and you feel powerless and insecure it’s hard to step into a childlike state. This will be the next stage of human evolution, to deal with an emotion that stops us from doing what we want. We need to understand our emotional world in order to have a different response to events or situations that trigger this.


‘Definitely boys are different to girls with regards to communication styles, but the heart cohesion between a boy or girl and their parent is incredible.’

‘The time is now to cease the division between the sexes and create a harmonious, unified relationship with anybody regardless of their sex.’

‘Why don’t we show vulnerability? Why do we jump into our heads and get run by feeling of fear and wanting control?’

‘Stay curious.’


Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (UK):

Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (USA):

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (UK):

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (USA):

Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)
World Game-Changers Group


Lisa Jayne is a tertiary-trained Educator, Speaker and Author whose professional interest lies in making it easier for mothers to raise courageous self-empowered 21st century daughters. 

Her book “The Emotionally Powerful Mother” provides 5 vital keys for a transformative mother-daughter relationship that works to create a new culture around girls – one that keeps them emotionally safe, deeply connected and empowers them both.

Lisa facilitates online masterclasses, workshops and retreats for mothers and daughters and offers a 5-week immersive program for mothers to implement the 5 keys into their everyday life for great success.  With two daughters, Lisa’s work is both practical and current, and teaches emotional skills for life. 


Paul has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in dark, desperate despair; to now living a really healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

From an early age, he was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate and destructive violence.

Along with his empathetic and dedicated team of world-class coaches and mentors, Paul’s purpose is deeply transformational:

Developing World Game-Changers…

He is extremely passionate about helping others to find their purpose, have a voice and ultimately, make a real difference.  

This has been built on a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching and mentoring.  He has also been responsible for raising significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – within the UK & worldwide.

Through this World Game-Changers podcast and books, he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.


Tel: +44 (0) 7958 042 155
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