Life is a rich recipe, made up of many components that when balanced correctly, can ensure we remain at our happiest.

That’s why Katrine Hoyer has joined Paul for this week’s episode, because the essential trio of ingredients in her recipe are health, wealth and happiness. It’s perfectly possible to attain all three, and by getting the recipe just right, they can all compliment each other.

As Katrine explains this week, it all begins with health…


Katrine – along with her husband Jens – is co-founder of the KAJE LIFE DESIGN business, focusing on working with people seeking change; to help them re-design their lives around three key areas…Health, Wealth & Happiness.  Originally from Denmark, the couple are now living blissfully, in France. 

This was inspired greatly by Katrine having being cured from severe illness and then, balancing their lifestyles and changing the path of their lives.  Katrine’s is truly an inspirational example of how adversity can be turned into fulfilment and happiness. 

Having taken the steps to emerge – from pain to prosperity – Katrine knows first-hand exactly what needed to make that life-enhancing transition.  She is a beautiful light ray of hope that naturally radiates much-needed love and happiness into our world. 

Katrine can be contacted at…
[email protected]


Paul Lowe is the founder of PaulLoweHEARTS and makes a difference by helping you make a difference. He is totally committed to his HEARTS-centred approach of…

Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success

Paul has a long and distinguished history of coaching & mentoring - particularly focusing on helping you clarify your true life’s purpose. He has also been responsible for raising significant funds for a multitude of good causes; positively inspiring many, many children – from challenging backgrounds – within the UK and globally.

Paul and his empathic team embrace a three-fold purpose:

Firstly, to help you find your purpose; secondly, to get your inspirational messages & stories out into the world; whilst thirdly, to support charitable organisations in their development & fund-raising – to make a global difference.

We achieve this by:

Delivering our empowering HEARTS-centred programmes
Sharing your true-life inspirational messages and stories through our Speaking From Our HEARTS book series & podcast
Utilising our truly authentic charitable commitment, empathy & HEARTS


Mob: +44 (0) 7958 042 155
E-mail: [email protected]

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