Speaking from the heart, and subsequently to the world, is easy for the outgoing, and for the braver amongst us. But how does it feel when our hearts long to be heard, but our nerves won’t let us communicate?

Graphic designer, Helena Illingworth has suffered with crippling shyness all her life, and has joined Paul today to discuss the topic of how to make yourself heard in these scenarios, and the issues that can arise when our voices are held back.

Helena Illingworth

Helena is a graphic and web designer and ardent animal lover and works for her herself as Little Black Dog, after spending too many years working for large companies.

She uses her creative skills to help as many local charities as possible with web development and enjoys volunteering for a local animal charity.  She’s experienced many life-transforming struggles but finds a real inner-peace through connecting with animals and nature.

Helena is happiest being outdoors with her Romanian rescue dogs.

Contact Helena via…



Paul Lowe is the founder of PaulLoweHEARTS and makes a difference by helping you make a difference. He is totally committed to his HEARTS-centred approach of…

Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success

Paul has a long and distinguished history of coaching & mentoring - particularly focusing on helping you clarify your true life’s purpose. He has also been responsible for raising significant funds for a multitude of good causes; positively inspiring many, many children – from challenging backgrounds – within the UK and globally.

Paul and his empathic team embrace a three-fold purpose:

Firstly, to help you find your purpose; secondly, to get your inspirational messages & stories out into the world; whilst thirdly, to support charitable organisations in their development & fund-raising – to make a global difference.

We achieve this by:

Delivering our empowering HEARTS-centred programmes
Sharing your true-life inspirational messages and stories through our Speaking From Our HEARTS book series & podcast
Utilising our truly authentic charitable commitment, empathy & HEARTS


Mob: +44 (0) 7958 042 155
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulLoweHEARTS
Web: https://www.speakingfromourhearts.org
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/speakingfromourhearts1/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/343409936534175/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmznF8VCcZKEdSfE7VlwUA 

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