Paul is joined once more by special guest, Punit Bhatia, for the third edition of their brand new mini-series, in which they discuss the concept of developing the next generation of world game-changers. This week, Paul and Punit discuss how to best raise the awareness of our own game-changing abilities, and form the teams required in order to effect change.


We are already world game-changers. We are only held back by not being fully aware of the power at our fingertips.
Once we are clear on what we want to achieve, we are only limited by ourselves. We can only do so much. This is why it is crucial to align with those who can help our mission.
People who understand our intentions, vision, purpose and goals, are a necessary part of attaining those goals. The important factor is trust.
When we invest energy, with an eye upon a return on that investment, we create a challenge for ourselves, as every day without a return adds pressure.


'If we want to change the world, we need to rely on other people'

'You need to find people who share your vision'

'The sum is always greater than the parts'

'Find people who are trustworthy, and who align with you'


Mastering The Game Of Life      


Punit is an avid thinker, serial author and coach who is fascinated by how we as humans act and find joy in life. He believes in thinking, believing, and acting in a coherent manner for consistent and desired results.

Punit has developed an ABC For Joy Of Life. According to him, incorporating this ABC as your life philosophy will greatly enhance the quality and fulfilment you derive from your daily life.

Punit is also identified as privacy and sourcing consultant in corporate world for his training, coaching, and consulting work. He hosts The FIT4PRIVACY Podcast. The names of his upcoming books are “AI & Privacy – How To Find Balance?” and “ABC For Joy Of Life”.

Punit can be contacted via: [email protected]


One thing that’s never been attached to Paul is the label ‘normal’ – something he is totally aware of.  He definitely subscribes to being one of those mentioned the iconic ‘Think Different’ Apple commercial narrated by Steve Jobs in 1977:

“Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules.  You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do!”

Paul has a long and distinguished history of coaching & mentoring – particularly focusing on helping people make the transition from pain to purpose; a journey he has made himself, from the depths of a deep dark existence, to now living a life of happiness and prosperity.

Through this Mastering The Game Of Life podcast, and books he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.

“Remember – Mastering The Game Of Life Starts, By Embracing Our Hearts!”


Tel: +44 (0) 7958 042 155

E-mail: [email protected]




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