On this episode of the World Game-Changers podcast, Paul continues his conversation with Nicole Bellisle about challenging conventional thinking, this time around the pair discuss the power of music, its rhythm & energy, & they dissect playlists they have both compiled & why they chose those tracks.



We have different musical tastes in terms of genre or when the songs came out, & that could be cultural or generational. But I also saw a lot of overlap in terms of themes; we both had songs about love, heartbreak, and loneliness, as well as cultural revolution or evolution of our humanity which was cool.
Music seems to be one of those things that transcends time & even place. If we look at the essence of our humanity, it’s such a representation of what moves us & what is most core to who & what we are. I believe that, at our core, we are love & music as a form of art is such an expression of that regardless of what the details of tone, lyrics or beat end up looking like in the complete rendition of the song.
Music is something that connects us all & speaks to us all, it’s universal, it’s non-polarising, it’s non-political, it’s something that we get to keep for ourselves & experience with one another. It also transcends any language barriers, we can feel moved, connect, and dance even if we can’t speak to one another. It’s one of the most magical, beautiful aspects of music.
There’s a rare air that, when we truly come together as co-creators with an intention to create something beautiful or something meaningful, so many lines up to make that happen. The product that falls out of the process has this way of being timeless & continues to give long after the birth actually happens.


‘If we can come to accept something as pleasurable as musical diversity, maybe that’s a catalyst for being more accepting of other people’s thoughts & opinions'.
‘These songs might define our work or the sense of purpose that we feel. The way that music invites us into new possibilities & into change is a really worthwhile insight into this exercise'.
‘Music is something that can really unite us, which came up lyrically in ‘We Are the World’'.
‘Music for me is tied to specific memories or emotions & it can serve as a map of my life, of where I was in my own evolution'.


Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (UK)

Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (USA)

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (UK)

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (USA)

Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)
World Game-Changers Group


Nicole Bellisle: Conscious leadership is a deep practice that invites us to stand in our truth & integrity. When we do the inner work to self-heal & master our energy, we build cultures that invite 


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