Paul and Lyn wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day

For this Special Valentines, Message Paul is joined by relationship expert Lyn Smith.

Together they explain how we can express our love not only on Valentine’s Day but all the time, too.


It's nice to have a day where we are especially thoughtful about our love for each other, but there is no reason why we can't be loving on any day of the year
Gary Chapman identifies 5 languages for love and advocates that we all have a dominant way that we prefer to feel and experience a sense of love
Words of love and encouragement
Acts of service offering to help or doing something special
Receiving gifts
Quality and romantic time date
Physical touch – hugs and kisses or just holding hands
Rules for love and relationships

If your highest value is loving, your rule might be about receiving lots of words of love and affirmation. Your partner may also have the highest value as love, but their rule could be a little different - such as receiving quality loving time from their partner

What is the rule for your partner to feel loved?
Important to understand what your rule for love is and that of your partner 
Misunderstanding can cause conflict. Understanding can provide security and happiness in the relationship
The message

Put it in the forefront of your mind to do something daily for your partner. It is the small gestures that can demonstrate your love for your partner.

Acts of spontaneity will also add to your relationship throughout the year and will be appreciated by your partner.


‘Misunderstanding can cause conflict’

‘Understanding can provide security and happiness in the relationship’

‘Put it in the forefront of your mind to do something daily for your partner’

‘It is the small gestures that mean a lot to your partner’



Something that’s never been attached to Paul is the label ‘normal’ – for which he is immensely proud.  He definitely subscribes to being one of those mentioned – in the Steve Jobs quote:

“Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Paul Lowe is the founder of PaulLoweHEARTS – which has a three-fold purpose. 

Firstly, to help you make the transition from Pain to Purpose; secondly, to get your inspirational messages and stories out into the world and thirdly, to support charitable organisations in their development & fund-raising.

We achieve this by:

Delivering our empowering Mindset For Success programmes
Sharing your true-life inspirational messages and stories through our Mastering Life Podcast and our Speaking From Our HEARTS book series
Utilising our significant charitable knowledge and experience.

Find Your Purpose – Make  A Difference

Paul is totally committed to his HEARTS brand vision (an acronym) of:

‘Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success’.

He has a long and distinguished track-record of raising significant funds for a multitude of good causes; positively changing the lives of many disadvantaged children within the UK and globally – drawing on his colourful and wide-ranging life’s experiences to help others do the same and achieve success in the game of life.

“Remember – Mastering Life Starts, By Embracing Our HEARTS!”


Email: [email protected]


Lyn is a world-renowned & respected Relationship Transformation Expert and author of the #1 best-selling book, 'The Cupid's Bow Technique'.

She shares her skills with women who have experienced some degree of hurt/ trauma/heartbreak at the hands of men, who don’t currently have healthy fulfilling relationships to understand themselves (& men) and attract or create healthy lasting love, passion, intimacy & fulfilment in their personal relationships going forward.

[email protected]

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