My guest this week first stepped on to the stage over 40 years ago as a founder member and drummer with the band Scritti Politti. Following a power cut at a gig in Berlin he found that keeping the beat going, even in the dark, meant the show could most definitely go on. 20 years later he set up Instant Teamwork, a global team building company, giving out 200 drums to his corporate audiences so they could not only hear that beat but they too could CREATE it.   Breaking down barriers, working in harmony, and getting corporate teams ‘into the groove’ leads to agile mindsets in the companies he now works with. He is most definitely an interactive speaker.  Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mister Tom Morley.  


Tom Morley was the original drummer and a founder member of Scritti Politti, the 70s / 80s band who were pioneers of DIY music before appearing on the dance scene. Unlike other bands Scritti used to make half their songs up on stage.

How is this significant to you? Simply because Tom creates INSTANT teams, delivering INSTANT team work. Within just 10 minutes Tom has a room working as one team in perfect harmony using drums. He generates the most extraordinary energy and good will, and has teams performing where there are no silos, no barriers and no hierarchical limitations. Delegates are given permission to take risks and become more creative, breaking through their self-limiting beliefs en masse while changing their individual mindsets.

Whether he is working with a group of 10 or 200, the end result is always the same. One high performing team achieving an amazing sound and creating a lasting legacy of what it feels like to be part of a truly performing team.

Tom Morley then explores with the group how they can take these feelings and achievements back into their place of work, thus making tangible that all important sustainable difference. He is truly original and inspiring around the topic of team building and his approach is refreshingly different and memorable! Tom’s background of life on many stages enables him to read a room and see exactly what the audience needs. He then delivers it with humour, style, and panache.

Having run hundreds of team-building events around the world Tom feels comfortable with any crowd, even the most hardened sceptics! He’s also happy to share the stage and collaborate with whoever else is on the schedule. If there’s a way of deepening the conference message with a custom-written anthem that the whole group can drum or sing along to just mention it when you speak to us.

Recorded: 6th June 2019



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