The #2 most popular episode of Sparta Chicks Radio in 2019 was Samantha Gash on Inspiration, Impact & ‘Run India’

It’s easy in this day and age to think that one person - that you - can’t make a difference. But Sam has proved that wrong, time and time again.

In her first ultramarathon in 2010, Sam became the first female and youngest person to complete the Racing the Planet 4 Deserts Grand Slam, running 4 ultra marathons across the driest, windiest, hottest and coldest deserts on Earth.

That was followed in 2011 by a 222km non-stop race through the Indian Himalayas.

It was during that run across the Himalayas that Sam decided to use her running for a greater purpose.

Fast forward a few years and in 2016, as an ambassador for World Vision, Sam set out on her most ambitious project to date; running across India.

Over 76 days, she ran 3,253km from the west to the east of India and, in the process, raised close to $200,000 to fund 6 programs to improve access to education for children in India.

In this conversation, Sam and I discuss:

- why disappointment is not a terrible emotion,

- why she says she isn’t addicted to running and doesn’t need to call herself a runner,

- why she cringes at the word 'inspiration' and

- what it means to be truly committed to a goal.

Get the full show notes for the episode here.

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