Why do some Latin America countries use vos, while others - and Spain - do not? Today's episode is all about answering that question, as well as a cool twist on how we got two other familiar pronouns.

© 2019 by Language Answers, Ltd. 

Music by Master_Service from Fiverr

Research Resources:
“Voseo pronominal,” by the Portal de lingüística hispánica. http://hispaniclinguistics.com/glosario/voseo-pronominal/
“Voseo Completo,” http://hispaniclinguistics.com/glosario/voseo-completo/
“Voseo Verbal,” http://hispaniclinguistics.com/glosario/voseo-verbal/
“El estudio del voseo en la clase de español,” by María Capelusnik Rajmiel. https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/biblioteca_ele/asele/pdf/11/11_0257.pdf
“Voseo,” by Gavilan College http://hhh.gavilan.edu/fmayrhofer/spanish/RAEdpd/dpdI/lemas/lemas_V/voseo.htm
“Vos,” Glosbe. https://glosbe.com/la/en/vos
“Standford Research Explores Novel Perspectives on the Evolutino of Spanish,” by Tom Winterbotom on November 14, 2016 for Standord. https://news.stanford.edu/press-releases/2016/11/14/novel-perspectivvolution-spanish/
“What is VOS?” by Admin on January 7, 2010 for Speak Spanish BA. http://www.speakspanishba.com/what-is-vos/
“Voseo,” by The Linguistics of Spanish. https://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/i.e.mackenzie/voseo.htm
“El Voseo en América Latina y en España“ by Lingolia. https://espanol.lingolia.com/es/gramatica/pronombres-y-determinantes/voseo
“De realeza, prohibiciones y uso popular: la peculiar historia del "vos“,” by Infobae on March 26, 2019. https://www.infobae.com/cultura/2019/03/26/de-realeza-prohibiciones-y-uso-popular-la-peculiar-historia-del-uso-del-vos/
“¿Por qué algunos países de América Latina usan el 'vos' en vez del 'tú'?” by Analía Llorente on August 30, 2016 for BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-36928497