Halit studied Astronomy and Space Sciences at Ege University, Turkey. He holds an M. Sc. degree in Space Management from ISU (MSM09) and joined the Summer Program in Beijing, China (SSP07). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Space Technologies at the National Defense University of Turkey.  Halit accumulated over 4000 hours of training experience delivering both formal and non-formal learning training as well as accumulated various international and intercultural working experiences in Barcelona, Tokyo, and Rome over the last decade.  He is the founder of Estonia-based consulting company Spaceagenda OÜ and Turkey-based TRC Space Technologies Training, Research, and Consulting Services. Currently, he is the general manager of GUHEM (Gokmen Space and Aviation Training Center). His main goal is to set up more effective bridges between people.  

Connect with Halit: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/astronom

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/halitmir

Twitter: https://twitter.com/halitmir

Visit: https://www.spaceagenda.com


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