This week we interview the delightful Jami Albright, a new author who has just successfully launched her first book. She's done such a fantastic job of it, we wanted to get her on the show to talk about how she got into writing, how she learned to do such a great job of launching a book, and where she goes for inspiration. She's such a fantastic person, we could have chatted to her all day! Hope you enjoy the show, we sure did. :)

This week we interview the delightful Jami Albright, a new author who has just successfully launched her first book. She’s done such a fantastic job of it, we wanted to get her on the show to talk about how she got into writing, how she learned to do such a great job of launching a book, and where she goes for inspiration. She’s such a fantastic person, we could have chatted to her all day! Hope you enjoy the show, we sure did. 🙂

Jami Albright is a born and raised Texas girl and is the multiple award-winning author of The Brides on the Run series–a fun, sexy, snarky, laugh-out-loud good time. If you don’t snort with laughter, then she hasn’t done her job.

She is also a wife, mother, and an actress/comedian. She used to think she could sing until someone paid her to stop. She took their money and kept on singing.

Jami loves her family, all things Outlander, and puppies make her stupid happy. She can be found on Sundays during football season watching her beloved Houston Texans and trying not to let them break her heart.

Jami loves to hear from readers. You can reach her at [email protected]

Jami’s first book has taken her a few years to get to the publishing stage, but now she’d done it she’s certainly on a role.

Here’s a little about the book and some tips from Jami’s first launch.

Running From a Rock Star is the first book in a series of comedic contemporary romance novels. If you like zany characters, razor-sharp wit, and unlikely love stories, then you’ll love the first book in Jami Albright’s Brides On the Run series.

Things I’ve learned: I assumed because I wasn’t launching at .99 that there weren’t any paid promos available to me. Turns out, that’s not true. There aren’t that many, but there are a few. I would’ve used them, especially the first few days after the launch. Along with that, I would’ve doubled my efforts to get as much exposure as I could those first few days after launch so as to avoid that frantic message I sent Bryan Cohen on Friday when I’d only sold 4 books by noon and his subsequent effort to talk me off the ledge. Thanks, Bryan, you’re a man among men. I would be more organized, or at least attempt to be. The stacks of note card with important information that I have on my desk is overwhelming. And half the time I panic about something I was supposed to do, only to discover that I did do it. Things I did right: I set up all my social media, Mailchimp automation, Bookfunnel, and InstaFreebie ahead of time. It was a huge time suck, but I’m so glad those things were in place when the book launched. The newsletter swaps, they’ve been golden. I have book two and a novella in the series written. I did have about 50 ARC readers, but I’ve also used Shifted Sheets ARC/Street Team Promo, and have received 25 reviews from that since Friday. Having a plan, even if it wasn’t perfect, at least I knew what my next step was. I’ve been planning this launch for a year, so maybe it should’ve been more precise, but I’m happy with how it’s gone. Surrounding myself with people who celebrate with me and who give me a kick in the ass when I get too much in my head and worry about shit I can’t control. Celebrating even the smallest victory. Except for the day I freaked out with Bryan, I’ve been incredibly grateful and happy for every page read and every book sold. But, more importantly for the emails I’ve received from readers, for the excitement that my adult children have about the project, and how my friend Danielle Corley followed my stats closer than me, which is saying something. I’ve cultivated relationships in this community and offered help and encouragement every chance I could. I asked questions of people who know more than me, then kept my mouth shut, listened and implemented what they said because THEY KNOW MORE THAN ME! If you ask for help, don’t spend the entire conversation telling the mentor why what he/she says won’t work for you, because you’re a special snowflake. You’re not, I’m not, and we all have things we can learn to make us better writers and indie publishers.