Easter is here, a time for new beginnings, so we thought we'd talk about the beginning of your book. It's always been important, but we would argue that in the days of ebooks for less than the cost of a coffee, creating a kick-ass beginning that will hook your readers into your book is VITAL!

We read out a few of our favourite beginnings, plus some that are less beloved, and talk through what makes them great (or not). There are also some suggestions for the different types of beginnings you might want to try, and how to link it in to the rest of your story. If you're wondering whether the beginning of your book is as good as it can be, listen to this episode for some of the tips and tricks that we use.

Easter is here, a time for new beginnings, so we thought we’d talk about the beginning of your book. It’s always been important for authors, but we would argue that in the days of ebooks for less than the cost of a coffee, creating a kick-ass beginning that will hook your readers straight into your book is VITAL!

We read out a few of our favourite beginnings, plus some that are less beloved, and talk through what makes them great (or not). There are also some suggestions for the different types of beginnings you might want to try, and how to link it in to the rest of your story. If you’re wondering whether the beginning of your book is as good as it can be, listen to this episode for some of the tips and tricks that we use.

– Beginnings are crucial to hook a reader.

– What would have been a great beginning before the rise of e-books, is not necessarily classed the same now. Remember, people can download a sample of your e-book for free, and this MUST hook them, for them to continue!

– A new author more than anyone else must capture a reader from the start!

– Remember there is a lot of competition out there now if you don’t hook them, they’ll move on.

– Create characters that your readers want to read. Give them a taste of what is to come.

What can you use to create an excellent beginning?

– Dialogue. Start in the middle of a conversation. Prompt the reader to ask questions of your characters from the beginning.

– Mid action. Start in the middle of an important scene/event.

– The meeting. Get the couple together asap. (don’t put in too much description)

– The intriguing opening.

– Landscape. Don’t bore a reader with lavish descriptions. Short, sharp sentences are the key to putting your hero or heroine into a scene.

– Don’t get caught up at the start of your book if you’re struggling. Rewrite it later.

– If it’s not happening first off, then write yourself into the book, and remember, there’s every chance you may have to cut a few thousand words!

The beginning is not set in stone! You can change it at a later date.


