Are you ready to make 2020 YOUR year?! This week we talk about the importance of physically writing down your goals to make them happen.

Wendy is a perfect example of the power of writing them down: inspired by a workshop from Debbie Macomber, she's managed to check off every single goal she wrote down for 2007! Listen how she did it...

Are you ready to make 2020 YOUR year?! This week we talk about the importance of physically writing down your goals to make them happen.

Wendy is a perfect example of the power of writing them down: In 2006, superstar author Debbie Macomber, attended our Romance Writers of NZ conference where she gave each attendee an index card to write their wildest writing dreams down. Wendy kept her goalcard over the years and as she achieved each goal, she marked it off. Now her entire card has been checked off!

As Debbie says in her blog: “One of the best ways to stick with your goals is to write them down. Over the years I’ve used a simple goals worksheet, and kept it in a place that I would see it regularly.”

The science behind the power of writing goals down is explained in many books and blogs.  Shar’s favorite is Henriette Anne Klauser’s book  Write It Down Make It Happen.  From Amazon: published in 2000, Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D. is a leading expert on communications and writing productivity. While she has written several books intended for writers, Write It Down, Make It Happen is an excellent resource for people struggling to achieve their goals, whatever those goals might be.

In Write It Down, Make It Happen, Klauser explains, “The right side of the brain traditionally governs the feeling, non-verbal part of you, while the left hemisphere handles rational thought and logic. When your goal is not working, determine which side you are operating from, and make a conscious shift to the other.” For someone struggling to achieve any goal, understanding the psychology behind how you are experiencing a situation helps you refocus your efforts, rather than becoming mired down in self-pity.”

What if you write it down and it doesn’t happen?

The first thing to stop and consider is, maybe it did happen! Klausner reminds us that maybe it just did not happen the way you intended. Go back and look at the outcome of the outcome, the benefit of the benefit of the benefit. What was it that you wanted out of that goal? You may have gotten what you wanted after all, from a different avenue.

So get writing and let’s check back at the end of the year and see how we Made It Happen!

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Debbie Macomber’s site:
Her free 2020 goals worksheet: