If you're anything like the rest of us in the SPA, you're quite happy in your writing cave. You don't really want to leave the comfort of your keyboard.

But this episode is all about why you really should take risks, be brave, and learn how to say yes to some of the really scary things in the self publishing industry.

We're just recently back from the wonderful Romance Author Mastermind conference put on by Skye Warren, so we use examples from information we learned at this amazing event to help us illustrate our points for this podcast.

Another episode full of tips and tidbits that will help your self publishing career!

If you’re anything like the rest of us in the SPA, you’re quite happy in your writing cave. You don’t really want to leave the comfort of your keyboard. 

But this episode is all about why you really should take risks, be brave, and learn how to say yes to some of the really scary things in the self publishing industry. 

We’re just recently back from the wonderful Romance Author Mastermind conference put on by Skye Warren, so we use examples from information we learned at this amazing event to help us illustrate our points for this podcast. Another episode full of tips and tidbits that will help your self publishing career!