Are your sales getting you down? 

Do you wish your series was selling better? 

Can you resuscitate it or is it DOA?

This episode we talk through some of the possible reasons that your book or series might not be selling. 

From cover, editing and blurb writing, to content, tropes, meeting reader expectations, and much, much more. 

We attempt to help you troubleshoot what might be wrong, and what you can do to amp it up, make it work, and sell more books! 

Are your sales getting you down? 

Do you wish your series was selling better? 

Can you resuscitate it or is it DOA?

This episode we talk through some of the possible reasons that your book or series might not be selling. 

From cover, editing and blurb writing, to content, tropes, meeting reader expectations, and much, much more. 

We attempt to help you troubleshoot what might be wrong, and what you can do to amp it up, make it work, and sell more books! 

Questions to ask yourself:

Firstly look at editing, cover, blurb – are they top notch?

Then content – is it hitting tropes?

Is it straddling genres?

Is it giving readers the emotional ride they’re expecting?

What’s the word length? Is it usual for that genre?

Are you giving readers a natural place to stop? Dont!

How frequently are you publishing?

How many in the series?

Are they original stories or previously published?

What does the look inside read like?

What’s your author bio saying about the stories you can deliver to your readers?

What’s your read through rate? Calculate it

What other books are on your digital shelves?

What reputation does your penname have? (Previous history)

Have you considered republishing under new pename?

Where are you selling? wide vs exclusive?

How’s your newsletter game?

How are you promoting?

What advertising are you doing?

Be open to pivoting
Play the long game and don’t get discouraged – every book you’ve written to date, regardless of sales, is just one more step up the ladder.
Write what sells – you find this out by looking at the stores!