Terrified of public speaking? 

Don't know what to say on Facebook Live? 

Wondering how to keep your cool in that podcast interview?

This is the episode for you! 

Public speaking for authors is about more than just talking in front of fans at your local bookstore. These days we're also expected to do online speaking such as Facebook Live events, videos for our newsletter, podcast interviews, and YouTube discussions. 

Our guest today has ALL THE TIPS for any kind of public speaking you may have to do as an author! Alena Van Arendonk is an actor, speaker, writer, costumer, and expert cosplayer who was a guest at Geysercon this year. She's been public speaking since she was a teenager doing debates, and has a whole range of advice for authors who are thinking of public speaking, but are terrified of it!

Turns out it's more than just learning not to be scared. It's about posture, preparation, and practice! Listen to the episode to find out more about how you can dial up your next speaking engagement to rockstar level...

Terrified of public speaking? 

Don’t know what to say on Facebook Live? 

Wondering how to keep your cool in that podcast interview?

This is the episode for you! 

Public speaking for authors is about more than just talking in front of fans at your local bookstore. These days we’re also expected to do online speaking such as Facebook Live events, videos for our newsletters, podcast interviews, and YouTube discussions. 

Our guest today has ALL THE TIPS for any kind of public speaking you may have to do as an author! Alena Van Arendonk is an actor, speaker, writer, costumer, and expert cosplayer who was a guest at Geysercon in Rotorua this year. She’s been public speaking since she was a teenager doing debates in school, and has a whole range of advice for authors who are wondering about public speaking, but are terrified of it!

Turns out it’s more than just learning not to be scared. It’s about posture, preparation, and practice! Listen to the episode to find out more about how you can dial up your next speaking engagement to rockstar level…