The delightful Dan Wood joined us in the SPA today to talk about the Indie distribution channel Draft2Digital. It's an informative hour-long interview with Dan, who attends 20 plus author conferences a year, and has his finger on the pulse of Indie publishing. He not only explains everything that Draft2Digital offers indie authors - from free formatting for your ebooks and Universal book links to audiobooks and print books - he also talks knowledgeably about the industry, gives advice on how to be successful, and offers his thoughts on the future of self publishing.

The delightful Dan Wood joined us in the SPA today to talk about the Indie

distribution channel Draft2Digital. It’s an informative hour-long interview

with Dan, who attends 20 plus author conferences a year, and has his finger on

the pulse of Indie publishing. He not only explains everything that

Draft2Digital offers indie authors – from free formatting for your ebooks and

Universal book links to audiobooks and print books – he also talks

knowledgeably about the industry, gives advice on how to be successful, and

offers his thoughts on the future of self publishing. 

If you’ve been wondering about putting your books on Draft2Digital and want

to know more about the platform, or just want to hear about the industry from

someone who knows all the right people, this is the episode for you. 

Notes from the SPA Girls:

Shar Barratt – For me, Dan really impressed with how author-centric D2D are in their operations and their future developments. On a personal note as a non-vellum owner, their free formatting tools are most appreciated!

Trudi Jaye – I like Dan Wood’s thoughtful, measured style, and the values that Draft2Digital has as a company – their mission is to listen to authors and try to solve the problems that have come up in our industry, and I think they do a fantastic job of this. I was really interested to learn more about the Universal Book Links, which I hadn’t realised were a free part of their service as well. I felt like I knew a little bit about Draft2Digital, but it was amazing how many new aspects to their services that I discovered today!

Wendy Vella – For me, what I took out of this interview is that D2D are all about the author. They won’t partner up with anybody until they are sure it will benefit their authors. Everything from loading your books, to the how-to manual, is simple and easy to navigate. D2D is really becoming a one stop shop for authors!

Universal Book Links
When you publish your book through Draft2Digital, you get a UBL automatically generated for you. You can build and manage your UBLs, including customizing them and tracking the clicks they get, just by logging in at

NEW: now you can add your facebook pixel to universal book links. More here:…/use-your-facebook-pixel-on…/

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