Merry Christmas from the SPA Girls! We hope you all have the best of everything this festive season, and that you get to spend the big day with the people you love. (And failing that, some chocolate and a good book.) 

In the spirit of giving, we've created an episode full of tips and tricks, advice, with the best of 2018 crammed into one small (ish) episode. (Okay, not so small). Join us for a retrospective of 2018 to find out what we did right, what we did wrong, and how you can learn from us to help you make 2019 the best year yet! 

Merry Christmas from the SPA Girls! We hope you all have the best of everything this festive season, and that you get to spend the big day with the people you love. (And failing that, some chocolate and a good book.)

In the spirit of giving, we’ve created an episode full of tips and tricks, advice, with the best of 2018 crammed into one small (ish) episode. (Okay, not so small). Join us for a retrospective of 2018 to find out what we did right, what we did wrong, and how you can learn from us to help you make 2019 the best year yet!

Dear 2018, you were tough. I’d planned for you to be productive, smooth and knocking out goals left, right and center. However life had other plans. Anyhow, I’ve learned to schedule better, plan better and give myself a bit of grace for dealing with Life Stuff. But look out 2019, cos I’ve got BIG plans for you too and I’m coming back in the first quarter with my own personal zero $ to $1k challenge. Shar x

So, 2018, you were full of promise. I tried not to count my chickens, especially after Shar found hers, but I believed I was on to something with the new series and pen name. It was a lot of hard work and you didn’t make things easy, but all in all, I have no real complaints as it wasn’t totally your fault that I was side-tracked. The new year brings a (hopefully) quieter life and I intend to fill it with words. Cher x

2018 started with a frenetic pace, and continued on that way for me. It was a year that changed my writing style yet again. It’s funny how that continues to happen even though you think there’s nothing more you can learn about your process. I achieved most of what I wanted, but also a little less, if that makes any sense to anyone but me! 2019 will be a year for setting writing goals, and focusing on my work routine. It will be year of friends and family. Can’t wait! Wendy x