This week we talk about the power of four, or how working and interacting with other authors can amp up your author career. 

Using our experiences in the SPA, we talk about how having other writers to talk to, offer support, give advice and ideas, and walk the same path gives you a huge boost. 

We've all said that none of us would be as far along in our careers if we didn't have the other SPA Girls. And we don't think we're unique. There are thousands of other groups of writers who are helping and supporting each other. 

How can you do this too? Our best advice is to find events and conferences for writers near where you are, and meet other authors in person. With this in mind, we also did an impromptu Top Ten Networking Tips for Introverted Writers, with heaps of suggestions for how you can meet and talk to other authors. 

This week we talk about the power of four, or how working and interacting with other authors can amp up your author career.

Using our experiences in the SPA, we talk about how having other writers to talk to, offer support, give advice and ideas, and walk the same path gives you a huge boost.

We’ve all said that none of us would be as far along in our careers if we didn’t have the other SPA Girls. And we don’t think we’re unique. There are thousands of other groups of writers who are helping and supporting each other.

How can you do this too? Our best advice is to find events and conferences for writers near where you are and meet other authors in person. With this in mind, we also did an impromptu Top Ten Networking Tips for Introverted Writers, with heaps of suggestions for how you can meet and talk to other authors.

1         Go to a conference/ a talk / a meeting.

2          Practice asking interesting questions before you go. Most people love to talk about themselves and if not, ask them about what they’re writing / their processes / what they read.

3          Find your person if you can and be sure to make it an equal partnership.

4          Makes the goals small.  What do you want to achieve in a group? Feedback, friendship/support?

5          Be brave – take the first step to approach a person or a group of people. Someone has to.

6          Remember that everyone around you is probably just as nervous and awkward as you are. Be kind and believe that you’re in the right place.

7          Good things take time, especially friendships. Give people a chance and they’ll return the favor.

8          Be a good community member before you try to sell a book, or ask for favors. Don’t be a ‘that person’ who takes and not gives.

9          Brainstorming with others can help you in so many ways. Be gentle but as honest as you can be. Respect other people’s right to do it ‘wrong’.

10        Think about how you can offer support to others, offer to volunteer at the conference. This will allow you to talk to so many people. Scary, maybe, but a great way to jump in feet first.

All we’re saying is give it a try. We did.