This week we talk about the top ten traits we believe you need to have to be a successful self-published author. 

These include, among other things, having a thick skin, being willing to take risks and staying focused. They're not always easy, and some involve practice and mindfulness, but if you manage to get everything on this list right, we believe you'll be on the road to success.  

It might seen weird to talk about stuff like this being super important over things like knowing how to put a book up on Amazon or how to market your book, but in fact a lot of what's involved with being successful in self publishing - in fact in any business - is to do with getting your head straight and your priorities focused. 

With this in mind, we give you some tips on how to develop and attain some of these skills and traits, what to do when you fall off the wagon, and how to get around it if you really just can't manage to develop that thick skin... 

This week we talk about the top ten traits we believe you need to have to be a successful self-published author.

These include, among other things, having a thick skin, being willing to take risks and staying focused. They’re not always easy, and some involve practice and mindfulness, but if you manage to get everything on this list right, we believe you’ll be on the road to success.

It might seen weird to talk about stuff like this being super important over things like knowing how to put a book up on Amazon or how to market your book, but in fact a lot of what’s involved with being successful in self publishing – in fact in any business – is to do with getting your head straight and your priorities focused.

With this in mind, we give you some tips on how to develop and attain some of these skills and traits, what to do when you fall off the wagon, and how to get around it if you really just can’t manage to develop that thick skin…

We also talk about our upcoming in-person workshop, giving a little bit of info about what to expect and whether you might benefit from coming along to meet us, the delightful SPA Girls, and learning more about self publishing…