This week in the SPA we talk about how to handle changes in the Indie Publishing environment without freaking out, including where to find the information you might need about any new changes, and how to figure out if the information you're reading on Twitter is the real deal. 
Whenever a new change is made at Amazon, or a new law is passed somewhere or someone figures out a new way to do something, a certain percentage of people will freak out about it. Sometimes they even have a point. But what we in the SPA are saying is that it's important to actually calmly research the changes, via blogs, FB groups, or your author network, before you start to make changes to your business, or before you start posting online, or taking certain actions. We also give a whole bunch of places that you can go to find more information about the latest news in Indie Publishing, so that you can have the information at your fingertips when you need it. 
This is an episode about critical thinking for authors, and how to keep your head when nobody else seems to be... :) 

This week in the SPA we talk about how to handle changes in the Indie Publishing environment without freaking out, including where to find the information you might need about any new changes, and how to figure out if the information you’re reading on Twitter is the real deal.

Whenever a new change is made at Amazon, or a new law is passed somewhere or someone figures out a new way to do something, a certain percentage of people will freak out about it. Sometimes they even have a point. But what we in the SPA are saying is that it’s important to actually calmly research the changes, via blogs, FB groups, or your author network, before you start to make changes to your business, or before you start posting online, or taking certain actions. We also give a whole bunch of places that you can go to find more information about the latest news in Indie Publishing, so that you can have the information at your fingertips when you need it.

This is an episode about critical thinking for authors, and how to keep your head when nobody else seems to be… 🙂

Links we talk about in the episode:

GDPR information:

Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula podcastd

Aweber article on Myths About GDPR

Facebook Groups:

Marie Force’s Author Support Network

Self-Publishing Peeps:

David Gaughran

Joanna Penn

Chris Fox

Victoria Strauss: Writer Beware


Romance Divas

Writer’s Cafe on Kboards

Absolute Write: Bewares, Recommendations & Background Check


Romance Writers of America

Alliance of Independent Authors