How do you wrangle your research as a writer? Is keeping track of all your characters, setting details and story events driving you to reach for the chocolate (or vino)?  In this episode we share our processes and tips for getting organized, and tools for staying on top of those myriad of details you need to remember. Side note: this is your free pass to hit the stationery store people, so bring on the colored flags, groovy folders and sparkly stickers.

How do you wrangle your research as a writer? Is keeping track of all your characters, setting details and story events driving you to reach for the chocolate (or vino)?  In this episode we share our processes and tips for getting organized, and tools for staying on top of those myriad of details you need to remember. Side note: this is your free pass to hit the stationery store people, so bring on the colored flags, groovy folders and sparkly stickers.


As with all things writing, there’s no one “right” way to approach this:  Wendy, Cher and Trudi love using Scrivener while Shar prefers the visual analogue approach with pinboard of pictures.  Creating a story bible is especially important for those writing in a series – so listen up and we’ll share how we approach this.


Helpful tools:




Aeon Timeline