This week we're talking about Author Branding, using the example of four different indie authors who we think are doing a fabulous job of branding themselves and their series.

From Penny Reid's romantic comedy tag line (Smart Romance) and aptly named Facebook group (Sharks of Awesome) to Michael Anderle's extensive author's notes and Melissa Storm's personal connections in her newsletters, we give a range of ideas and tips that are being used by these authors that you can use to improve your branding and find the right readers for your books.

We even managed to give you a list of five simple action points that you can do right now to amp up your Author Branding and sell more books. (Phew. We worked hard on that. So you should totally listen and use those tips, because they're gold.)

This week we’re talking about Author Branding, using the example of four different indie authors who we think are doing a fabulous job of branding themselves and their series.

From Penny Reid’s romantic comedy tag line (Smart Romance) and aptly named Facebook group (Sharks of Awesome) to Michael Anderle’s extensive author’s notes and Melissa Storm’s personal connections in her newsletters, we give a range of ideas and tips that are being used by these authors that you can use to improve your branding and find the right readers for your books.

We even managed to give you a list of five simple action points that you can do right now to amp up your Author Branding and sell more books. (Phew. We worked hard on that. So you should totally listen and use those tips, because they’re gold.)