This week we talk about a craft topic that's been bugging Trudi - subplots. Ever since reading Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews, who does it really well, she's been pursued by the idea that maybe she's not doing them properly...
So this week, we discuss what they are, why you should be using them in your novels, and the different kinds of subplots that you could consider using in your novel. Done well, a sub plot can add a huge amount of depth to your novel, as well as tension, characterisation and conflict. 
We think that adding a subplot to your current novel could be the difference between having a boring one-dimensional novel, and creating a layered book that everyone is gagging to read!! 

This week we talk about a craft topic that’s been bugging Trudi – subplots. Ever since reading Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews, who does it really well, she’s been pursued by the idea that maybe she’s not doing them properly…

“Subplot follows the same basic story architecture and flow as the primary plot.” ~ Story Engineering by Larry Brooks

So this week, we discuss what they are, why you should be using them in your novels, and the different kinds of subplots that you could consider using in your novel. Done well, a subplot can add a huge amount of depth to your novel, as well as tension, characterization and conflict.

“The author may choose to tell several stories at the same time – stories within a story. Along with the major plot there may be one or more subplots about other characters or about the protagonist. Subplots are used to add layers of obstacles, mystery, and suspense to the story. A subplot can also add past information, usually something the main character wasn’t previously aware of….” ~ Writing Great Books For Young Adults by Regina Brooks

We think that adding a subplot to your current novel could be the difference between having a boring one-dimensional novel, and creating a layered book that everyone is gagging to read!!

It’s a fascinating topic that we think you’ll love.

Useful Links:

Writer’s Digest: 7 Ways to Add Subplots To Your Novel

Prowriting Aid: How To Use Subplots To Bring Your Whole Story Together

Five Tips For Writing Better Subplots

Recommended reading:

Writing Great Books For Young Adults, Regina Brooks

Story Engineering: Mastering The 6 Core Competencies Of Successful Writing, Larry Brooks