This week we talk to bestselling self-published author Dave Chesson, otherwise known (mainly by the SPA Girls) as the King of Keywords.  He's the genius behind the blog, which provides loads of step-by-step information for self published authors, and he's also the creator of the fabulous app KDP Rocket, a tool you can use to do research into your next book topic, find keywords and categories for your current book, and to create a massive list of keywords for Amazon Ads.

Among his many talents (which include being a nuclear engineer!!) Dave is a total self-confessed data geek, which means he loves diving into the analytics surrounding Amazon and selling books. Which was great for the SPA Girls, because he was happy to chat to us about keywords, categories and selling more books on Amazon. Yay!

This week we talk to bestselling self-published author Dave Chesson, otherwise known (mainly by the SPA Girls) as the King of Keywords.  He’s the genius behind the blog, which provides loads of step-by-step information for self published authors, and he’s also the creator of the fabulous app KDP Rocket, a tool you can use to do research into your next book topic, find keywords and categories for your current book, and to create a massive list of keywords for Amazon Ads.

Among his many talents (which include being a nuclear engineer!!) Dave is a total self-confessed data geek, which means he loves diving into the analytics surrounding Amazon and selling books. Which was great for the SPA Girls, because he was happy to chat to us about keywords, categories and selling more books on Amazon. Yay!

One of our favorite quotes from Dave was “I believe the day you start writing the book, is the day you start marketing the book.”  Listen in to hear just how to do that!

Quick Links to sites mentioned in the podcast:

Dave’s FREE Amazon Ads Course

Fiction Keyword Strategy Article

How To Choose Kindle Keywords

KDP Rocket

Video: How To Succeed With Amazon Ads (via 20Booksto50K Vegas Conference featuring Dave Chesson and Scott Paul)

Dave’s podcast The Book Marketing Show