In this episode of the Sovereign Sisterhood Movement podcast, we discuss the first week of July's astrological transits, including Saturn and Neptune going retrograde, and provide an energy update for the week.

We also explore the impact of generational trauma on the physical body and this week's ancestral tarot guidance, which focuses on releasing victimhood and self-imposed limiting beliefs.

Here's what to expect:

Astrology:How Saturn going retrograde invites reflection and reassessment of boundaries and responsibilities.How Neptune going retrograde encourages facing illusions and deceptions.The New Moon in Cancer and its emphasis on self-care, emotional healing, and connecting with the inner child.The concept of the United States' Pluto return and its implications for transformation and reckoning.

Generational Healing:A discussion on generational trauma and its physical effects, including emotional dysregulation and various health issues.The importance of addressing mind, body, and spirit for holistic healing.The role of meditation and energy flow in healing.

Ancestral Guidance:This week's three-card ancestral tarot reading, highlighting the themes of leaving the past behind, confronting uncomfortable truths, and avoiding victimhood.

Join us for this very important discussion and take the first step towards ancestral healing and sovereignty from patterns of generational trauma. Thank you for tuning in to the Sovereign Sisterhood Movement podcast. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with those who may benefit from these insights.

Until next time, stay sovereign and stay connectedArticle Referenced in podcast:

Chapters00:00Astrological Energy Update and Retrogrades10:34The Impact of Generational Trauma on the Physical Body15:14The United States' Pluto Return and Transformation24:55Chakra Blockages and Energy Flow33:58The Impact of Generational Trauma35:21Addressing the Mind-Body Connection39:32The Power of Sisterhood and Women's Community46:19Tarot Card Reading: Leaving the Past Behind and Confronting Truths49:38Embracing Transformation and Trusting the Process


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