Can hypnotherapy and astrology help us break free from generational programming and ancestral trauma to create a life filled with confidence, clarity, and physical  + mental health ?In this episode of the Sovereign Sisterhood Podcast, I sit down with Hypnotherapist and Intuitive Astrologer Laura Ordile to talk precisely about this. Laura Ordile helps people make changes and clear out subconscious blockages by working at a deep level to delete old patterns and add in new ones, providing confidence, clarity, and motivation. Laura emphasizes the importance of addressing the subconscious mind in the healing journey, as it holds the key to understanding and resolving physical and emotional issues. She shares with us her beliefs about how generational programming and ancestral trauma can be passed down and affect individuals in the present. We talk about how hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and creating positive change. What I love about this episode is how Laura assures that clients are always in control during hypnosis and that they don't need to share their deepest secrets for the healing to occur. She also highlights the energetic exchange and fine-tuning that occurs in live sessions. Laura believes that everyone has the power to heal and that there is always hope and help available.She emphasizes the importance of awareness and acceptance of oneself and uses astrology to guide individuals in understanding their unique energies and life purposes and in this episode she breaks down the HOW. Laura also discusses the misconceptions about certain astrological signs, such as Scorpio, and highlights the beauty and depth they bring to in her work with her clients. TakeawaysHypnotherapy can help clear subconscious blockages and create positive change.The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in the healing journey and holds the key to understanding and resolving physical and emotional issues.Generational programming and ancestral trauma can be passed down and affect individuals in the present.Clients are always in control during hypnosis and don't need to share their deepest secrets.Live sessions allow for energetic exchange and fine-tuning to address individual needs. Everyone has the power to heal, and there is always hope and help available.Awareness and acceptance of oneself are crucial in the healing journey.Astrology can be a powerful tool for understanding one's unique energies and life purposes.Misconceptions about certain astrological signs, like Scorpio, can prevent us from appreciating their depth and beauty.Laura offers individual and group sessions, primarily through virtual platforms.

Chapters00:00Introduction to Laura Ordeal and her work02:21The Power of Hypnotherapy and Clearing Subconscious Blockages09:27Understanding the Role of the Subconscious Mind13:43Breaking Free from Generational Programming18:22Exploring Hypnotherapy and Addressing Physical Ailments23:55The Importance of Live Sessions and Holding Space25:53Laura's Journey into Healing Modalities34:08The Power of Astrology in Self-Realization42:07Identifying Generational Traumatic Patterns43:28Dispelling Misconceptions about Astrological Signs47:09Laura's Approach to Healing Sessions49:26Final Words on the Healing JourneyYou an connect with Laura here:
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