The last few weeks have been life-changing and very transformative and healing especially coming to Kauai and as we work through the Sovereign Woman Academy my group coaching program to rebuild your self-worth after experiencing relationship betrayal.  

It's amazing how coming to Kauai gave me extreme clarity as to the laser-focused problem we solve with the work we do in the Sovereign Woman Academy. 

I learn so much from these amazing wise women about courage & strength and even more about the root causes and pain that perpetuates mental health instabilities like cold depression, anxiety, and feelings of lack of self-worth or not being enough.

And I know it sounds harsh, but the truth is that we all suffer from a lack of self-worthiness, it's just that some of us are more aware and compassionate with ourselves than others. 

And what's interesting is that in my healing work with women and in my own personal healing journey, there is one major commonality that triggers the lack of feeling worthy and feeling whole and complete and that is- betrayal experienced in Relationships.

Our relationships are the highest form of yoga. 

Whether you betrayed yourself, were betrayed, or betrayed, and don't process these traumatic experiences we create feelings of lack of self-worthiness which then perpetuate other mental instabilities, show up as physical illness, and create inabilities to focus in other areas of our lives like our businesses or being present as a Mother.

In this episode of the @sovereignWomanMovement Show Podcast,  I share with you how lack of self-worth plays a role in mental health instabilities like cold depression and anxiety, and why healing the wounds we carry in our romantic relationships is key to not repeating the same toxic patterns, and rebuilding our self-worth. 

Comment below and let us know what your perspective is on this very important subject matter. 

Apply for the Sovereign Woman Academy to rebuild Self-Worth After relationship betrayal with Kundalini Yoga Therapy & Spiritual Psychotherapy , 15 Minute Activation Call: 

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