In today's fast-paced, quick-moving world, so many people seem to want everything right away. Instant oatmeal, instant pudding, faster phones, high-speed this and that, and unfortunately, many also believe they can have instant relationships. When you fall into an instant relationship you are not allowing yourself to get to know your romantic partner, nor allowing them to know you. What happened to the days of allowing things to unfold naturally, while you are dating and learning about each other? What happens when you fall into an instant relationship? The majority of instant relationships are doomed to fail. They just do not have the foundation required to build a lasting loving relationship. They are all about the hype and not about the substance, which is what real love requires. Spiritually connected relationships, due to their intensity, often move way too fast. Although the ride is fun, that same speed usually come to an abrupt halt at some point. Todays show talks about instant relationships and how you can slow down the pace to build a long lasting foundation to your relationship.