What if you could improve your emotional literacy through your workout routine?

Rupa Mehta teaches us how to powerfully combine physical and emotional fitness. 

Our Guest:

Rupa Mehta is a teacher, entrepreneur, author and fitness expert creator who has helped thousands of adults and youth become healthier individuals.

Widely respected as an industry expert, Rupa has appeared in many national publications such as VOGUE, The New York Times, Marie Claire, New York Magazine and more. Her second book, Nalini Method: 7 Workouts for 7 Moods.


Quick Preview of the Podcast:

How to be true to yourself as an entrepreneur Rupa’s concept of ‘emotional weight’ and how to lose it Practice 7 workouts for 7 different moods How Rupa’s non-profit is helping young students relate to their bodies and emotions

Learn how to release your emotional weight and become more skilled at processing your feelings.

Learn more about Nalini Method at nalinimethod.com and NaliniKIDS at nalinikids.org

FREE Guided Meditation for Self Care (led by Shannon) https://programs.shannonalgeo.com/selfcare-meditation