Ready to have a quantum breakthrough in your evolution?

Niurka guides us to transform limitations, clarify direction, and embody our true power.

Our Guest:

Niurka is a transformational teacher and guide who inspires and empowers people to live powerfully, authentically and purposefully. She is a dynamic speaker, author, poet and visionary whose work unites the world of business with essential wisdom of mind-body-spirit, creating social transformation through inner evolution. 

She has shared the stage with radiant beings including Tony Robbins, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Deepak Chopra, John Maxwell, Bill Philips, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, Denis Waitley, Bob Proctor and Jim Rohn.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

- The power of visualization to create a new reality for your life.
- Learn the underlying patterns of fear that we all share & how to heal them.
- Niurka’s daily spiritual practices to align with her highest self.
- An experiential meditation to shift your map of the world.

Enhance the quality of your life by joining our high vibe conversation!

FREE Guided Mediation for Self Care (led by Shannon):