How can we hold the whole truth about ourselves without denying any aspects?

Our Guest:

Nikki Myers is a Yoga Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Certified Addictions Recovery Specialist, MBA, and Founder of CITYOGA School of Yoga and Health. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, Nikki is also the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery. Based in its theme ‘the issues live in the tissues’, Y12SR is a relapse prevention program that weaves the art & science of yoga with the practical tools of 12-step programs. Y12SR meetings are now available all over the United States and the curriculum is rapidly becoming a feature of addiction recovery treatment centers. Nikki’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Yoga Journal, Black Enterprise, The Huffington Post, Origin Magazine and more. She is honored to be a co-founder of the annual Yoga, Meditation, and Recovery Conferences at Esalen Institute and Kripalu Center.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

- Nikki’s personal journey to recovery from addiction.
- The power of combining the cognitive work of the 12-step program with the somatic work of yoga.
- How to create a sustainable platform for addiction recovery.
- Why it’s so important to reclaim our own self.

Join Shannon as he learns about Nikki Myers’s inspiring journey from addiction to recovery to helping heal the world through Y12SR.

Learn more about Nikki's work: Y12SR.

FREE Guided Meditation for Self Care (led by Shannon):