How can you travel and improve your wellness at the same time?

Linden Schaffer, the wellness traveling consultant and pioneer shares how to live well on the road.

Our Guest:

Linden Schaffer, the founder of Pravassa, was the first wellness travel company in 2009.  Since the founding she has been the winner of the prestigious British Airways Face of Opportunity contest.  Today, as a wellness travel expert and consultant, she lead travelers around the world on wellness tours with Pravassa where she creates group and individualized itineraries for the people and companies that are looking to restore productivity and creativity.

Her first book, Living Well on the Road, with the foreword written by famed actor and travel writer Andrew McCarthy, is available at

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

 What a wellness traveler learned about life --- vacations are just the start.   Practical real-world approach to understanding and managing your wellness on the road   Why you need a strategy to ease back into life after an epic life changing adventure.   How to give yourself a break when an enlightening trip is calling!

Learn how to take your next trip with ease.

FREE Guided Meditation for Self Care (led by Shannon):