Let’s talk about one of my fave topics, A Course In Miracles! Karen Kenney has been studying and teaching ACIM for over 23+ years. I asked her a few questions on how to best learn and apply living a miraculous life on a daily basis. Karen’s story moved me to the depth of my soul. She is an incredible woman and I hope you enjoy our interview!

Karen Kenney is a writer, speaker, and the founder of Fearless Flow Mentoring. She’s been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for 23+ years and a certified yoga teacher since 2001. KK is known for her storytelling, her sense of humor and her “down-to-earth” approach to spirituality. Karen helps people let go of their old stories of suffering and victimization so they can write a new kick-ass story from that inner place of power, forgiveness and Spirit. She leads transformational retreats at the renowned Omega Institute in NY and locally in the New England area. Her primary teacher, “spiritual mom” and mentor is acclaimed author and lecturer, Marianne Williamson. Karen’s currently at work on her memoir Wicked Hard and her podcast, of the same name, is also in development.

Visit Karen's website:


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See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my assistant Brandi at [email protected]